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How to Quickly Declutter your Home when you have No Time

Feeling completely overwhelmed by your messy house? Learn how to quickly declutter your home using a printable checklist to keep you on track.

Feeling overwhelmed by your messy house? Grab the free printable checklist included in this post to become clutter free fast. Learn 20 items you can declutter quickly and see results immediately. Decluttering room by room can take forever. Instead, your first step should be to simplify and get rid of items that you no longer need. Practical tips to declutter your home inspired by minimalism. #declutter #clutterfree #simplicity #organize #minimalism

20 Crazy Fast Ways to Declutter your Home when you Have No Time

This may sound a little crazy, but Dave Ramsey helps me keep my house clean…

If you didn’t already know Dave Ramsey, is a personal finance guru who has helped thousands of people (including me) become debt free.

One of the reasons that I love Dave Ramsey is because he shares personal finance tips that really work.

One of the strategies that he is best known for is something called the “Debt Snowball”.

The idea is that you start your debt free journey by paying off your smallest debt first.

The reason he suggests this method is simple: It’s not about the math it’s about behavior modification.

What does that mean?

Well, when you start with the smallest debt you are going to make progress quickly.

Progress increases your motivation and makes it easier to tackle more difficult tasks.

You don’t start with the biggest debt because it would take FOREVER to see progress. In fact, you might feel so overwhelmed by the task at hand that you avoid getting started.

Sound familiar? That’s because many of us feel the same way about the clutter in our homes.

There is simply so much to deal with, that we don’t ever get started.

But what if I told you that all you need is 5 mintues to start to become clutter free?

The Snowball Method to Declutter your Home

If you feel overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, you may feel paralyzed and unable to start.

Instead of looking at your entire house as one big cleaning project, break it down into smaller mini-projects.

You will be much more motivated to declutter your home when every time you start a task; you are able to finish it.

Want to take it one step further to help guarantee your success?

Use a guide or a checklist to declutter your home, so that you have a step by step plan laid out for you.

To get you started on your “Declutter Snowball” I have created a checklist of 20 quick ways you can declutter your home in just a few minutes.

Each of these tasks allows you to make instant progress and you will finally feel like you can declutter your home and be free of the stress and overwhelm.

Want a copy of this checklist? Lucky, for you I have a free printable PDF version that you can get here!

How to Declutter Quickly; 20 Items you can Purge in 10 Minutes or Less

1) Outdated notices posted on the refrigerator

2) Expired beauty products

3) Torn undergarments and socks with holes

4) Knick Knacks that no longer fit your decorating style

5) Kitchen appliances you never use

6) Magazines and books you don’t read

7) Expired Condiments in the fridge

8) Accessories you never wear

9) Old towels and bedding

10) Tupperware that is missing it’s partner

11) Out of date food

12) Extra Travel Mugs and Water Bottles

13) Baking supplies that you have duplicates of

14) Receipts and empty gift cards in your wallet

15) Extra Throw Blankets in excess in the number of family members

16) Any clothes you haven’t worn in a year

17) Expired spices in your pantry

18) Out of date medicine

19) Loose change in your purse

20) Your children’s winter coats and boots from last year

There you have it mama! 20 crazy fast ways you can declutter your home along with a free printable checklist to keep you on track.

Ready for some more decluttering inspiration?

Feeling overwhelmed by your messy house? Grab the free printable checklist included in this post to become clutter free fast. Learn 20 items you can declutter quickly and see results immediately. Decluttering room by room can take forever. Instead, your first step should be to simplify and get rid of items that you no longer need. Practical tips to declutter your home inspired by minimalism. #declutter #clutterfree #simplicity #organize #minimalism
20 areas in your home you can declutter quickly






  1. Thank you! Question, how do you declutter the abundance of nicknacks that your kids have made or things that grandparents gave you? It’s the crazy amount of memorabilia that gets me! My garage holds 6-8 tubs of pics and memorabilia items! Not including the crazy amount of crap (we swear we need) that we take from rental to rental! ?

    1. If you are just getting started…don’t start with those items. Sentimental items can be some of the most difficult so you want to wait until you have gotten sone practice with easy things like extra kitchen utensils and expired beauty products.

      For the things that the kids have made I think about what my mom kept that I actually still want. Only a handful of things. For most of the. I take a picture then create a photobook each year of their art and other crafts that we didn’t keep. I print 2 books; one for me to keep and one to give to them when they are older.

      As for the tubs…what good are the items if you have them stored away in the garage. When the time comes you will go through them and put the most important ones in albums. Otherwise someday when you are older they are all just going to be thrown away because no one will know what they are.

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