About Simply Well Balanced and Lauren Tingley

Motherhood can feel overwhelming-
Let’s make it easier!

Welcome to Simply Well Balanced! I’m Lauren Tingley the head writer, activity director, and family-life expert around here.

If you have ever felt stressed, frustrated or straight up worn out by the challenges of being a mom then you are in the right place. As modern mothers we have SO many responsibilities:

  • We work (whether it be in or out of the home)
  • We run a household (laundry, meals and finances)
  • We raise children (parenting, activities, holidays)

Basically – we DO IT ALL – but at what cost?

For many of us, we get to the point where the life we are living isn’t the life we had imagined when we started our families.

If you have ever wished that:

  • You didn’t spend all your free time cleaning and doing housework
  • Each day you had time to connect and engage with your children
  • Life was simple, easy and at a slower pace

Then I am confident that you will benefit from the tips that I share on this site.

Motherhood Simplified

What will you find on Simply Well Balanced?

I created Simply Well Balanced as an answer to the stress and overwhelm of what we are told modern motherhood should be.

After suffering from stress and anxiety that robbed me of the “joys of motherhood” I decide to utilize my training as a yoga instructor and educator to create systems to make motherhood easy and teach others how to reclaim a simple and more joyful lifestyle.

My passion is sharing strategies, tips and products to help you make motherhood easier and more enjoyable.

Many of the posts on this site cover:

  • Tips to declutter and minimize the items in your home to reduce the burden of constant housework
  • Ideas to simplify your life including meal planning, scheduling and time management tips
  • Fun family activities that you can do to create a strong bond and special memories with your children.
  • Simple parenting advice from her years of experience and extensive training working with children and improving behaviors.

As moms we have to find the easiest and most efficient way to make our health and happiness a priority. So, come on in – take a look around. I hope you find a way to make your life Simply Well Balanced.

Lauren Tingley – Training and Education

While I believe in being a life-long learner and have continued my education into adulthood, many of my greatest lessons have been learned in the school of life.

With over 20 years of experience working with children, and more than 14 years as a parent, I have a lot of tips, tricks and ideas to share.

Being a mother, teacher, business owner and friend to other women I have learned so much. I learn from experience, from my children and students and from others on a daily basis. So many times these real experiences have taught me so much more than any book or course ever could. However, if you are interested in the technicalities here you go:

Lauren Tingley – Certifications and Trainings:

Certified Simplicity Parenting Discipline & Guidance Group Leader Badge.

Lauren Tingley – In the Media

My advice and expertise has also been seen in the following publications:

Contact me!

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. I’ll do my best to get back with you as quickly as I can.

I look forward to hearing from you!

You can also email me at:

Lauren.simplywellbalanced (@) gmail . com 

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